
The best way to contact us is by emailing. I answer emails throughout the day when parts are running. I also like to have a history of communication and email provides that. We try to get back within 24-48 hours so please be patient. (we do not monitor this email address. Do not email us at this address. Order confirmations, order details are sent from this email address only. )


Non Cerakoted items usually go out in 1-3 days. Friday orders sometimes go out on Monday. Cerakoted items run around 7 days but can take up to 14 days depending on the amount of Cerakote we have at that time. We Cerakote all items when the order arrives. They are not precoated.


My payment is being declined. Why? Your billing address has to match the address that is on file with the credit card company. The bank can approve payment but will decline the transaction if the addresses do not match.

We do take discreet mail orders. Please email at first to arrange this option.